The love, hate, idolize, fear them. Were gods and demons. It has been compared to the nimble wind and heavy fire. Their presence has impacted the man forever. Are cats; possess mystery and tenderness, elegance and beauty. But what are the most adorable pet cats are?Here are a few suggestions to choose your ideal pet.
Angora Turkish
Angora cat comes from Turkey. Its name comes from the city of Angora (Ankara in Turkish). In their home region is considered a symbol of purity. It is characterized by its thinness and her long, silky and soft fur.Can be any color. He is an outgoing, loving and very active cat.
is believed that this cat comes from Ethiopia. Its beauty and elegance have created the legend that descends directly from the Egyptian sacred cat. It is characterized by its stylized figure, large and protruding ears and almond shaped eyes whose color ranges from amber to yellow-green. It is a very affectionate and playful cat. It is an excellent companion for children, for whom he feels a great choice.
Balinese cat originally comes from the cross between Siamese and angora. Its name comes from the way she moved whose grace reminds the typical dances of Indonesia. It is characterized by its Siamese mix, her long, silky hair, hazel eyes and an intense blue color.It is necessary to take care of his coat and brush at least once a week.It is an expressive, outgoing and intelligent cat but is also jealous and egocentric so it will not allow another pet at home. He is a very loyal cat able to ignore everyone but his master.
Cat is of French origin. It is characterized by the copper color of his eyes, his blue-gray coat and narrow snout with smiling expression. It is advisable to pay special attention to your diet as it has a tendency to obesity. The Chartreux is a smart, strong, agile, smart and affectionate cat.
cat is a native of the Isle of Man which gets the name. Its main feature is its short tail. There are many legends about manx tail; one says that Noah dropped the door of the ark in its tail, another says it's a cross between a cat with rabbit. The Manx cat is a short double coat. It has a very strong character. He is intelligent, affectionate, friendly and tolerate the presence of other animals.
This beautiful cat emerges from the cross between chocolate point Siamese and Abyssinian. Its name comes from the amazing resemblance to the ocelot. It is distinguished by its wild appearance, demeanor athletic and beautiful almond eyes. It is a docile cat will readily accept coexistence with other cats. So too, is intelligent and will not be difficult to housebreak.
Egyptian Mau
In the Egyptian language, "mau" means cat. Hence comes the name of this beautiful specimen originating gatuno, it is said, of the sacred cats of Egyptian temples. It is a flexible and strong cat. Its main features are the M distinguished in his forehead and spotted coat that can occur in various combinations. It is a flexible, independent and loving cat, although it may be a bit introverted.
cat Siamese comes from Siam, now Thailand, from which it derives its name. By all accounts, these cats were placed in the tombs of kings and they left through a hole made for this purpose, it was said that the king's soul had entered the cat. It is slim with long, slender limbs, triangular face and white to beige coat darkening in the legs, tail, ears and face. His eyes are blue and intense. Strong personality, he is intelligent and loving. She loves to live with humans and not tolerate solitude.
Persian cat is descended from the Turkish Angora cat so often called, erroneously, angora cat. It is a cat compact, round head, small ears and flat nose. His coat is long and big round eyes. It is a very quiet and gentle cat that spends most of the time asleep. He likes to be pampered and loved. It is sweeter and not a cat at all hunter, so it can coexist with any other pet.
Maine Coon
is known to this cat as being from Maine, United States, but its origin and how it llegaró there is unknown . Legend has it that have evolved from a mixture of cat raccoon, but due to genetic impossibility, we know that is not so. It is a large, long-haired cat. Its tail is thick and abundant hair. The maine often loving, lazy, independent but quite agile and skilled hunters. They are at once playful and get along very well with children. They are also easy to clean.
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