Thursday, 18 December 2014

Health Benefits of Swimming

Contrary to what some people believe, swimming can be practiced in many different ways and adapted to the individual needs of each person. This can already be seen in almost all pools with new activities run by professionals, very different from the classical learning courses. An example of this are the courses for babies, pregnant women, elderly, etc. Furthermore, in recent years the variety in the type of exercise is expanding with therapeutic activities, for example, to compensate for deviations spine (lordosis, hipersifósis, scoliosis, herniated discs, etc), or heart disease, circulatory, arthrosis, arthritis and obesity.

Another activity that is continually gaining adherents in the pools is the AcquaGym, whose activity, in addition to fun, brings many benefits both physical and psychic.

Surely all sports provide health benefits, provided they are practiced properly. However, swimming has some special characteristics that do not have other types of aerobic exercises. Some of these benefits include:

-Brings an incredible cardiopulmonary endurance.
-Stimulates blood circulation.
-Helps maintain a stable blood pressure.
-Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
-Development of most muscle groups (more than two thirds of all muscles of the body).
-Strengthens the joint tissues preventing injury.
-Facilitates the removal of bronchial secretions.
-Improves posture.
-Develops flexibility.
-Ease tension.
-Generates positive moods.
-Helps improve states of anxiety and relieve symptoms of depression.
-Relax excessive muscle tone of the daily task.
-Stimulates growth and physical-mental development.
-Improves psychomotor development.
-It promotes self-esteem.

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