For children, sleep problems are related, mostly with irregular sleep habits or anxiety about going to bed and fall asleep. In the first stage of child development , bedtime represents the time of separation from parents and is when the problems begin to manifest.
Nightmares of babies and children
Baby sleeps
Usually, the nightmares begin within two years although they are more common in children three to six years old. The cause is not known, but say they are related to stress and anxiety of children. Nightmares occur during light sleep and its frequency is very relative. Some children have nightmares way very soon, some less, and others fail to have them. In most cases, nightmares are not a concern for parents. The important thing is to know how to act in case your child suffers a nightmare.
What to do if your child has nightmares
1. Prevention. Parents should watch what their children watch on television, especially before bedtime hour. As the nightmares can not be avoided and not notified when they come, parents should be sure to listen to your children if they cry at night and go away.
2. Care for children. During a nightmare, parents must care for their children as soon as possible. Children need help and consolation. Children should feel protected . Talk to them in a calm voice so they know you'll stay with him if you want, but it's okay to go back to sleep. Stay with it until you have calmed down and goes to sleep.
3. Keep calm. Although it is upsetting to parents suddenly be awakened by the screams and cries of their children, keep calm. Children notice if parents are nervous and do not do them any good. Only calm parents can help their children. If children wish, you can chat with them about their nightmares. Parents should help their children to think and discuss ways to overcome the things that scared them sleep. Should help them make up a happy ending to the dream.
What should we do if the child has nightmares
1. Do not wake the baby. If children cry, but are still asleep, no need to wake them. You must stay with your children until they wake up or go back to sleep in peace . 2. Do not carry your bed . And there you go up to bed. 3. Do not tell that nightmares are not real. It should explain to the children what is a dream and that all we have.
Night terrors of children
Night terrors affect 3 percent of children, mostly between 4 and 12 years, resolve spontaneously in adolescence. They usually appear early in the evening. The child is agitated, crying, screaming, sweating and feels he is distressed. At night terrors, very often, the child will not remember anything that has caused such distress, therefore, he was not expecting to interrogate tell us what happened. If we insist, will not generate more confusion.
A difference is night terrors from nightmares, which occur more frequently at the end of the night, and where the child can tell what you have experienced in the dream (dream). Night terrors may be triggered by fever, lack of sleep and drugs that act on the central nervous system.
Sleepwalkers children and children who speak sleeping
The sleepwalking child gets up from his bed and staying asleep, do activities that may be common. The most common age of onset is between 4 and 8 years and resolves spontaneously in adolescence. The fever , the lack of sleep and some medications act as causative factors. Should be consulted to establish strategies to avoid risks in these children. The somniloquy esla emission words during sleep. There is no problem and requires no treatment.
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