Thursday, 18 December 2014


BEIJING: Thousands of dogs are killed in China for making your skin gloves, shoes and other fur products, and some of them are exported to worldwide, denounced the environmental organization PETA (People acronym for Treatment Ethics of Animals).
In a report that includes photos and videos taken clandestinely inside Chinese factories the fur trade, PETA reveals that some slaughterhouses come to sacrifice 100 or 200 dogs a day to make them leather leather accessories such as belts, dolls or even jackets. "Much of the leather world comes from China, where there are no laws that punish the abuse of animals killed for their fur," says the organization, which says that after study "people should think twice before returning to buy something with leather. "The study, which has been employed one year, was achieved by visits to three slaughterhouses and six factories in China, which according to PETA also produce objects that are then exported to other markets, although the report declined give specific names. The leather obtained from dogs is thicker and of lower quality than that from the cattle or sheep, so usually sold cheaper. In recent years, China has increased awareness against the mistreatment of animals with special sensitivity towards dogs, which are also sometimes consumed in restaurants, although many of them are confined to isolated regions such as the south or areas inhabited by ethnic Korean. In this process of awareness are produced "releases" of hundreds of dogs that were brought to slaughterhouses to use their meat or skin, and there have been many voices have called for the closure of the famous Festival Meat Dog Yulin, in the south. 

Sleepwalkers children and children who speak sleeping

Our mind does not stop, even when we are sleeping. During sleep , we continue organizing information, assimilating images, memories and thoughts, in our memory. In the dream, no limits of consciousness and we can even find the solution to a problem or an escape to a difficult situation prior to falling asleep states.

For children, sleep problems are related, mostly with irregular sleep habits or anxiety about going to bed and fall asleep. In the first stage of child development , bedtime represents the time of separation from parents and is when the problems begin to manifest.

Nightmares of babies and children

Baby sleeps

Usually, the nightmares begin within two years although they are more common in children three to six years old. The cause is not known, but say they are related to stress and anxiety of children. Nightmares occur during light sleep and its frequency is very relative. Some children have nightmares way very soon, some less, and others fail to have them. In most cases, nightmares are not a concern for parents. The important thing is to know how to act in case your child suffers a nightmare.

What to do if your child has nightmares

1. Prevention. Parents should watch what their children watch on television, especially before bedtime hour. As the nightmares can not be avoided and not notified when they come, parents should be sure to listen to your children if they cry at night and go away.
2. Care for children. During a nightmare, parents must care for their children as soon as possible. Children need help and consolation. Children should feel protected . Talk to them in a calm voice so they know you'll stay with him if you want, but it's okay to go back to sleep. Stay with it until you have calmed down and goes to sleep.
3. Keep calm. Although it is upsetting to parents suddenly be awakened by the screams and cries of their children, keep calm. Children notice if parents are nervous and do not do them any good. Only calm parents can help their children. If children wish, you can chat with them about their nightmares. Parents should help their children to think and discuss ways to overcome the things that scared them sleep. Should help them make up a happy ending to the dream.

What should we do if the child has nightmares

1. Do not wake the baby. If children cry, but are still asleep, no need to wake them. You must stay with your children until they wake up or go back to sleep in peace . 2. Do not carry your bed . And there you go up to bed. 3. Do not tell that nightmares are not real. It should explain to the children what is a dream and that all we have.
Baby sleeps

Night terrors of children

Night terrors affect 3 percent of children, mostly between 4 and 12 years, resolve spontaneously in adolescence. They usually appear early in the evening. The child is agitated, crying, screaming, sweating and feels he is distressed. At night terrors, very often, the child will not remember anything that has caused such distress, therefore, he was not expecting to interrogate tell us what happened. If we insist, will not generate more confusion.

A difference is night terrors from nightmares, which occur more frequently at the end of the night, and where the child can tell what you have experienced in the dream (dream). Night terrors may be triggered by fever, lack of sleep and drugs that act on the central nervous system.

Sleepwalkers children and children who speak sleeping

The sleepwalking child gets up from his bed and staying asleep, do activities that may be common. The most common age of onset is between 4 and 8 years and resolves spontaneously in adolescence. The fever , the lack of sleep and some medications act as causative factors. Should be consulted to establish strategies to avoid risks in these children. The somniloquy esla emission words during sleep. There is no problem and requires no treatment.

sleep terrors in children

(Sleep: Night Terrors) 

What are night terrors?

Night terrors are an inherited disorder in which the child tends to have dreams during deep sleep from which it is difficult to awaken. This happens in about 2 percent of children and usually not caused by psychological stress. Being overtired can trigger night terrors. Night terrors usually occur in children aged 1-8 years old.
The night terror usually begins 1-2 hours after bedtime and lasts between 10 and 30 minutes. During a night terror, your child may:
Agitated and restless, no one can awakened or comforted
Sit or restless running everywhere, possibly screaming or talking nonsense
There seems to notice his presence, but keep your eyes open and staring
Mistake objects or persons in the room for dangers.
The next morning, your child will not remember what happened.
How long?

Night terrors usually occur within 2 hours of bedtime. They are harmless and each episode will end spontaneously in sleep. The problem usually disappears by age 12 or earlier.
How I can help my child?

Try to help your child return to normal sleep.
Your goal is to help your child go from agitated sleep to a calm sleep.Probably will not wake his son, and needless to do so. Turn on the lights so that the child is less confused by shadows. Make soothing comments such as, "Are you okay you home in your own bed You can rest now..."Speak calmly and repetitive. Such comments are usually better than silence and may help your child refocus. Some children like to be taken by the hand during this time, but will pull away. Take her child only if it seems that it makes you feel better.
There is no way to abruptly shorten the episode. Shaking your son or yelling will only become more agitated and will prolong the attack.
Protect your child from injury.
During a night terror, a child can fall down the stairs, hit a wall or break a window. Try to gently direct your child back to bed.
Prepare for these episodes babysitters (babysitters) or other adult to supervise the child overnight.
Explain to people who care for your child what a night terror is and what to do if present at one of them. Understanding this will prevent them from overreacting if your child has a night terror.
How I can help prevent night terrors?

• If your child is too tired.
Lack of sleep is the most common trigger for night terrors. For preschoolers, restore the afternoon nap. If the child refuses the nap, encourage a "quiet time" for an hour. Also keep bedtime is too late because it can trigger a night terror. If the child needs to be awakened in the morning, that means you need to go to bed earlier. Advance the time to turn off the light 15 minutes earlier each night until your child can self-awaken in the morning.
Awakenings for frequent night terrors.
If your child has frequent night terrors and is over 6 years old, you can try to wake the night before the night terror comes. This method helps to eliminate the problem in about 90% of children. For several nights, note how many minutes elapse from the time when the child falls asleep until the start of the night terror. Then begin to wake the child 15 minutes before the expected time of the night terror. Remind your child to "wake up fast." Keep your child fully awake and out of bed for 5 minutes. Follow these awakenings for seven consecutive nights. If the night terrors return when you stop waking your child, repeat this training program seven nights.
When should I call my child's healthcare provider?

Call during office hours if:
There drooling, twitching, or stiffness.
The episodes occur two or more times per week after the seven awakenings.
The episodes last longer than 30 minutes.
The child does something dangerous during an episode.
Episodes occur during the second half of the night.
The child has several daytime fears.
You feel family stress may be a factor.
You have other questions or concerns.

Health Benefits of Swimming

Contrary to what some people believe, swimming can be practiced in many different ways and adapted to the individual needs of each person. This can already be seen in almost all pools with new activities run by professionals, very different from the classical learning courses. An example of this are the courses for babies, pregnant women, elderly, etc. Furthermore, in recent years the variety in the type of exercise is expanding with therapeutic activities, for example, to compensate for deviations spine (lordosis, hipersifósis, scoliosis, herniated discs, etc), or heart disease, circulatory, arthrosis, arthritis and obesity.

Another activity that is continually gaining adherents in the pools is the AcquaGym, whose activity, in addition to fun, brings many benefits both physical and psychic.

Surely all sports provide health benefits, provided they are practiced properly. However, swimming has some special characteristics that do not have other types of aerobic exercises. Some of these benefits include:

-Brings an incredible cardiopulmonary endurance.
-Stimulates blood circulation.
-Helps maintain a stable blood pressure.
-Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
-Development of most muscle groups (more than two thirds of all muscles of the body).
-Strengthens the joint tissues preventing injury.
-Facilitates the removal of bronchial secretions.
-Improves posture.
-Develops flexibility.
-Ease tension.
-Generates positive moods.
-Helps improve states of anxiety and relieve symptoms of depression.
-Relax excessive muscle tone of the daily task.
-Stimulates growth and physical-mental development.
-Improves psychomotor development.
-It promotes self-esteem.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Using Coconut Oil Weight Loss

One of the recurring issues in our suggestion box is the application instructions for using coconut oil for weight loss. Well, today we decided to dedicate an article to this issue that raises much interest. To begin, we must say that there are several studies showing that coconut oil is a good ally to lose weight. However, we can not expect a miracle by itself. In other words, the inclusion of coconut oil in our diet will help us lose weight but neither can eat all the coconut oil we want or we can hincharnos the other things they desire us.
When we say that coconut oil is a good ally to lose weight we mean it is one of the products that we consume as part of a diet designed to make us lose weight, or more specifically designed to make us lose fat. What most studies have found is that the use of coconut oil as part of a diet helps reduce fat we have accumulated. But to understand the effect that coconut oil has on our metabolism, we first need to understand is how these studies have been performed. For starters, they have done almost all of the studies is to compare different people who were on a diet to lose weight, and divided into groups, each characterized by using a fat in particular. Thus, in each study was a group using coconut oil in your diet and at least one group using other fats like olive oil, sunflower oil or corn oil.
Studies have concluded that the group using the coconut oil in their diet lost weight more easily than groups using other oils, but what all the groups have been using the oil they had assigned sparingly, ie , have not been dedicated to drink liters of oil. Usually, most groups have consumed around 45-60gr oil per day divided into meals, that is, about three tablespoons per day (15 grams per tablespoon). If you have used cooking oil, have taken those amounts allocated daily and therefore the amount of fat ingested has been controlled.
But the use of coconut oil in the diet helps us to lose should not resultarnos strange. On many occasions we have commented that coconut oil is mainly composed of medium-chain fatty acids and these have the ability to become energy directly unmetabolized in sugar. What this means is that the coconut oil we eat gives us energy and vitality, accelerating your metabolism and helping to burn stored fat. Other oils may not be used in this way as energy by the body and must be decomposed into other products themselves are used as energy by the different organs of the human body.
One of the books that makes more emphasis in using Coconut Oil Weight Loss Slimming without Milagros , Charles Abehsera. In this book, the author tells how managed to lose 35kg in just four months , and as relates taking coconut oil until 6 or 7 times a day using it in as many meals. In the blog author we read testimonials from others who have bought the book and lose weight the same way, providing this food definitive proof that once established a suitable plan, inclusion of Coconut Oil can lose weight more faster than if we use other fats in the diet.
Although there are people who insist on taking 3 tablespoons of coconut oil a day, we have to follow the experience of people who use it frequently and successfully to achieve similar results and we have not found any study that says simply fact take 3 tablespoons (or more) of Coconut Oil can lose weight. What if we found are studies and concrete plans to propose the inclusion of coconut oil in a coordinated strategy for weight loss. As just mentioned, which seems more meaningful and that we mentioned at the time this article is the book without Miracles Slimming, because it is well documented with photos, analytical, medical records and other information.
So, whether you are considering losing a few kilos to look appears as if you have a real need to lose a lot of kilos, we recommend that you collect a good Virgin Coconut Oil Certified (such as Coconoil ) and is made ​​with your copy of the book Slimming without Milagros to implement a method that is giving very good results for people who are using it.

louana pure coconut oil benefits

Extracted from the book of Dr Mercola : Program to achieve optimal health ("Total Health Program") Translation of Mónica Gómez Santos Coconut, the "fruit" of the palm, is an exceptionally nutritious food that provides many advantages, such as helping in the fight and prevention of diseases, even help you lose weight and keep it off. Coconut meat is particularly recommended for those food types Metabolic Protein for its high protein content. The islanders have always held in high esteem by coco for their disease preventive and curative properties, especially because they are rich in lauric acid, a proven agent antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal . Coconuts contain high levels of saturated fat that, contrary to popular belief, is a prerequisite for optimal nutrition fat. There are three different types of saturated fats, and coconuts contain the healthiest type. The medium chain fatty acids that help you really lose weight while increasing their health Abundant Coconuts medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) are digested more easily, and are used differently by the body than other fats. While other fat stored in the body's cells, the MCFA in coconut oil are sent directly to the liver where it is immediately converted into energy. So much so, that when you eat coconut and coconut oil your body used immediately for energy instead of storing it as fat in the body. With this quick and easy absorption workload of the pancreas, liver and digestive system and coconut oil is lightened "accelerate" your metabolic system. And since coconut oil actually speeds up your metabolism, your body will burn more calories per day, resulting in a significant weight loss and increased energy and vitality. On the other hand, numerous studies have shown the opposite effect on unsaturated fats with excessive content of omega-6 , as rapeseed, sesame, sunflower, corn , and other vegetable oils can contribute to hypothyroidism and lower your metabolic rate. The nuts are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. They are also a source of folic acid, all types of B vitamins, and minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium.  


Our lips are exposed every day to the adversities of climate, food, makeup and our habits of life is like drinking and smoking., Which can become real enemies of a healthy mouth.

Chapped lips beyond being remarkably little sexy, in most cases, causes severe pain. So to be able to heal and recover your mouth cherry, you are 10 natural solutions below:

1-. Permeates a cotton ball in olive oil and apply it on your lips.

2-. Prepare your own ointment virgin beeswax and almond oil. For this, the wax melts and mix with the oil. Wait for it to cool and solidify again - which will take between half and one watch. Finally, apply it on your lips before bed and when you wake up.

3-. Apply on your lips a touch of menthol balm.

4-. Spread on your lips before bed, a drop of moisturizer, like you use for your face.

5-. Moisturize your lips a thin layer of cream or cocoa butter. This will protect it from dryness.

6-. Although this solution may not be to your liking, apply three times a day, lard in your chapped lips can become a holy remedy.

7-. Cut a piece of aloe vera and apply it in your mouth whenever you feel the desire to refresh.

8-. Another excellent solution is that recubras your chapped lips with a thick layer of castor oil.

9-. Although it seems a complete absurdity, if you rub a finger against the nose or inside your ear, you can remove some of the natural oil that need chapped lips. Exotic ¿? Probably, but foolproof solution.

10-. Let stand for 3 days in the refrigerator, half a cup of whole milk in a porcelain bowl. Once the time has expired, and removed the cream on the lips applied several times a day. If you prefer you can tambiénn boiling milk.

To care for your chapped lips, we recommend:

-Check If the toothpaste is right for you. Allergic reactions may be a silent responsible.

Overseeing what you eat, as some foods can cause your lips from drying, such as pepper, mustard, steak sauce. chili, peanuts or products high in salt and alcoholic beverages.

-Avoid Lamarse lips because saliva extracts the amount of oil that your lips might have, from the surrounding areas. Also acid saliva contains digestive enzymes that contribute to dryness.

-Take Water will help moisturize your lips and body.

- No Smoking. This way you will avoid aggravating the health of chapped lips.

-Use Lip sunscreen to take care of the sun. Ideally try to use a lipstick with SPF of 15 or higher. And always, always check that the latter is not expired.

-Cuidar Taking vitamins. It is important to consume foods that contain iron and vitamin B.

Do you know any natural recipe to combat chapped lips? Share it with us!

causes of chapped lips

Chapped lips are more than just a nuisance. They can be painful, unattractive and signal that there is a more serious problem. Although most people feel dry lips when the weather turns cold and windy, causing dehydration and makes then crack and peel, chapped lips chronic (which is called cheilitis) may arise for wide range of reasons. According, the list includes certain diets, conditions, products and health conditions.
If you have an allergy to one or more of the following items, this can cause or contribute to your severely dry or chapped lips. Propyl gallate, which is in the lip, or phenyl salicylate, which is found in products for lip care, are likely offenders. The toothpaste containing guaiazulen or sodium lauryl sulfate may also cause a reaction. The red dyes in mouthwash, toothpaste and sweets are common causes of sore on the lips. The same goes for the cinnamates, which are used in sweets, lozenges, chewing gum, mouthwashes and toothpastes. If you take the Inderal medication (blood pressure) or prochlorperazine (an antipsychotic that is often used to treat nausea and vertigo), you may be experiencing an allergic reaction that can make your lips from drying out or cracking. Finally, if you are allergic to nickel metal, you should avoid putting clips or near your mouth and wash your hands after using anything made of nickel.

Certain foods can also contribute to dry lips. Although considered healthy, they may be just the opposite for your lips. The figs or citrus juices can cause a phototoxic reaction. This means that the sun's rays react with the chemicals and create an allergic reaction. Cobalt supplements of vitamin B12 can also be the culprit. Too much vitamin A can also be the cause. If you consume more than 25,000 IU per day, it is likely that this is the problem.

If you play the clarinet or saxophone, you probably already be aware that constant contact with the reed can dry your lips. Licking your lips is extremely bad for those who are prone to chapped lips habit. "Chapped lips are psychological part," says Alan Rockoff, Ph.D., of the Dermatology Center of Rockoff in Brookline, Massachusetts, in "Just think of lips makes you want to lick them."

Try to be aware of not lick your lips. Use ChapStick or any other type of lip balm to keep them moist, do not use your saliva. To cure cheilitis, review the products you use and vitamins that you take. If you suspect that they may be to blame, stop using them for a while and see if your condition improves. Maybe if not, you might want to check with a doctor to rule out any health conditions that may be causing your dry lips.

If your dry, chapped lips are not going with treatment, see your doctor. You may be suffering from a more serious condition since there are many diseases that can cause drying and cracking of the lips as a side effect. These may be Down syndrome, Sjogren's syndrome and hyperthyroidism. Diabetics are usually prone to perleche (usually by a fungal infection). Granulomatous cheilitis can definitely cause problems on the lips, but you need a biopsy for diagnosis. Precancerous changes, known as actinic cheilitis can also cause dryness. Finally, sleep apnea and enlarged tonsils or adenoids can cause dry mouth as the current of breath on the lips causes dehydration.


Chapped lips is a condition in which these are resected and quartered. Climate change may have a negative effect on the lips and these may require additional moisture. Some of the causes of the condition mentioned are the air cold and dry winter, dry summer weather, drugs, some oral habits, vitamin deficiencies and the fact of not drinking enough water. If you know the treatments appropriate can get rid of chapped lips and restore moisture.


Apply an emollient like Vaseline on your lips. This will restore moisture and give quick results. According DermaDoctor, applying an emollient such as petroleum jelly regularly will prevent lips from drying and cracking. You will notice an improvement within minutes.

Use a creamy lipstick. This cosmetic can prevent cracking of your lips and leave them softer. Must use one with moisturizing ingredients, otherwise empeorarás condition. If your lips feel dry apply a coat of lipstick to add them a little moisture.

Exfoliate your lips at least once a week. Place a dab of petroleum jelly sized dime on the toothbrush. Rub the brush along the lips with a movement circulate . This process will remove dead skin cells.

Apply a moisturizing balm on your lips. Should use one that contains natural oils and moisturizing ingredients. You should also look for a product that contains an SPF to protect the delicate skin of the lips from the harmful effects of the sun.

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to hydrate your body. According Style Hive, to drink plenty of water avoid having the problem of chapped lips.

how do u get rid of razor bumps

To remove ingrown hairs ...

First you need to release the ingrown hair, and then if you wish ... You can remove ingrown hairs using sterile needles, tweezers, or a rotary device, so first ...

Use 1 or ALL of these 3 ways to free your ingrown hairs ...

You can exfoliate the area where the incarcerated hair 1 or 2 times per day until the ingrown hair is loose, but ...
Do not rub it or exfoliate your skin so strong that causes

 scarring and bleeding, too ...
A gentle exfoliation ingrown hair area 1 or 2 times a day is enough to remove dead skin, dirt and grease that is trapping the ingrown hair under your skin, and / or ...
Use acne medications containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to help you exfoliate your skin by removing dead skin and dirt that is trapping your ingrown hair, and ... It is better to use the acne medication after you have exfoliated normally your skin using a pad, and you may still need to use acne medication sometimes between normal peels do, and / or ...

You can apply a cloth that is between warm and cold in the area of your ingrown hair for about 10 minutes to soften the skin sufficiently to release the incarcerated hair ( you can do this up to 3 times per day ), and ... Just remember that once the cloth or towel cools, you need to heat it again and reapply in the area of your ingrown hair, and then if you wish ...

To start your ingrown hair ...

First you need to make sure you have released your ingrown hair used one of the three methods discussed above, because you will want no worse scratching and damaging your skin to remove the ingrown hair, and then ...
Be sure to use needles, tweezers, or a medical device

 Rotary that has been sterilized in boiling water or it has been cleaned with alcohol; but before you start to remove your ingrown hairs ...
Better than your skin ablandes again to facilitate the extraction process your hair incarcerated; You can soften your skin by placing your area ingrown hairs a wipe is between warm and hot, ( if you have not you had done ) for 10 minutes, then ...
Stretch your skin tight and ...
Grab the incarcerated hair from the root using your needles, tweezers, or a rotating medical device, and proceeds to extract one by one ingrown hairs, and after you have done that ...
Use an antiseptic such as Aloe Vera, Tea Tree Oil and Witch Hazel to prevent infections.
More tips to remove hairs that are embodied ...

You can buy all-natural treatments like Kalo that are specially formulated only to eliminate ingrown hairs and ...
There are special lotions that you can get with your dermatologist or your pharmacist who will help you remove hairs incarcerated ...
If you do not really accomplish view or you can not free your ingrown hairs using any of the 3 methods above , then you need to visit a dermatologist to help you remove those ingrown hairs.
6 Ways to prevent ingrown hairs ...

1. Stop waxing

If you use waxing as your primary technique to shave again and again, you will definitely weaken the roots of your hair follicles, so when your hair is growing again will not have enough strength to grow through your skin, and ...

Other hair removal methods like tweezing and electrolysis could also cause hair incarcerated.

2. Take care of your skin properly

When your hair follicles are blocked with grease, dirt, dead skin cells and germs, then it is harder to make your hair grow through your skin, so basically ...

Become an exfoliation at least once a week , clean and moisturize your skin daily, this will help prevent hair incarcerated, and also ...
Use non-comedogenic products that cause clogging of your pores.
3. Shave properly

Go here to see how to shave properly , but basically ...

If you shave before you soften your skin with shaving foam or water, and ...
If you do not shave against the grain, and ...
If you make a gentle pressure during shaving, and ...
If you use a new shaver every time you go to shave, or at least change the shaver after every 2 or 3 shaven, then you will not have ingrown hairs.
4. Do not wear tight clothes

Tight clothing that tighten your skin make it easier for your hair to grow under your skin, which could cause you get to have ingrown hairs. Especially you should avoid using freshly shaved or you've you've waxed tight clothes.

5. Eliminates germs after shaving

Use antiseptics such as tea tree oil , witch hazel , or any other product for after shaving to prevent infections that can cause ingrown hairs.

6. Eliminates ingrown hair the right way

Go here to see how to remove hairs incarcerated . If you try to remove your ingrown hairs as if they were just empeorarás acne situation with your ingrown hairs.

Home Remedies to eliminate Acne, pimples and blackheads

From generation to generation we had these homemade recipes for skin problems are some of the best treatments on many occasions.
Here goes a list of all the ingredients for recipes and masks we can do quickie at home
1 - Do not wash your face with soap and water, wash your face or affected by the morning and evening with warm salt water area. The soap dries the skin and can make acne worse, while the warm salt water can help eliminate fat without drying the skin.
2 - The juice of Aloe Vera (Aloe) applied twice daily may be helpful in curing acne scars. Aloe Vera juice can be found in most health stores, comes as a gel, but if you can apply aloe vera naturally is best.
3 - Cucumber is one of the easiest and most refreshing used for the treatment of acne treatments and moisturize the skin. This makes our skin feel with a youthful appearance. Crush the cucumber into a paste and apply it on the affected area. Leave it for 30-45 minutes and then rinse.
4 - Sandalwood powder can be used on the skin to treat acne. For that, you have a paste of sandalwood powder and little water, apply it and leave if possible overnight and then rinse with cold water the next day.
5 - The tomato (tomato) can also be used for treating blackheads and to open the pores of the skin, and also lightens the skin. Cut a piece of tomato and rub on the skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. This will help reduce open pores and blackheads. This treatment is excellent for oily skin.
6 - Another home remedy is using nutmeg. For this, you have a paste of nutmeg powder with cold milk and apply on the affected area. This works as a wonderful ointment. Pimples disappear without a trace.
7 - Egg whites are also used to get rid of acne. Apply a mask of egg on face and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
8 - Marly, also called Lila India, is used to treat other skin problems. Contains Nimbidol and Gedunin, which have very good fungicidal properties. This plant has proven beneficial in disorders of the skin such as warts, scabies, psoriasis, eczema, dandruff and even. It is extremely effective in treating acne. For this treatment, you should do is to crush the leaves into a paste, apply to the affected area and leave for 30 minutes and rinse area. Another option is to make a tonic, for this you boil the leaves as if you were to ask you, and that use water to rinse the affected area, you can save the tonic in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed, preferably glass mold.
9 - Orange peel is very effective in treating acne. For this fine milled shell with little water until a paste is formed, and then applied to the affected areas. Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse.
10 - Another very good remedy is to make a paste with 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash your face the next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.
11 - A sanitary hot water (not too hot because you can burn) can also be applied to the face to open the pores and removing blackheads. After applying the pad, rinse your face with cold water.
12 - Before bed apply ice to the face. This will reduce swelling and burning sensation in the skin caused by severe acne and also help get rid of acne scars.
13 - Mix 1 tablespoon peanut oil, juice of half a lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples.
14 - Have a paste of fenugreek leaves, also called fenugreek. Apply on the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.
15 - Cut a lemon in half and gently rub the affected area and leave it overnight and rinse your face in the morning or if your skin is sensitive, squeeze the lemon juice and mix it with rose water and apply it to the affected areas like an astringent lotion.
16 - Foods containing niacin and vitamin A are also used to treat acne. It is recommended to take 100 mg of niacin, three times a day, and 50,000 international units of vitamin A, three times daily.Vitamin E is also recommended, 400 mg once a day. This therapy should continue for a month.
17 - Garlic has been used successfully in the treatment of acne and its antibacterial properties are high. Rub raw garlic on the affected skin several times a day, will help remove scars. Chronic forms of acne are also cured with this treatment.
18 - Make a mixture of coriander juice with a pinch of turmeric powder. It is a very effective home made ointment for pimples and blackheads. The mixture should be applied to the face after washing so every night before going to bed. Mint juice can also be used instead of coriander juice.
19 - papaya juice (including the skin and seeds) can also be applied on the inflamed pimples.
20 - Mix cornstarch with a little water, and you apply it as a mask, that will help absorb oil.
21 - Apply a small amount of toothpaste (paste, not gel) on pimples before sleeping, that help dry the beans.
22 - The fresh lemon juice mixed with a glass of warm milk can be applied to the face as a face wash for pimples, blackheads and cracked skin.
23 - Drinking wheatgrass juice (wheatgrass) every day, it is also highly recommended to eliminate acne
24 - Mask of cider vinegar, soak it with cotton and will you spread in areas where you have more pimples (may burn a little) waits until seven minutes and I'll retire with cold water.

fastest way to get rid of bacne

The fight against acne is anything but fair. First, is the fight against redness and pimples. After heal pimples, acne scars remain on your skin. Your dermatologist can use several different for removing acne scars as air abrasion and laser light therapy techniques. However, these methods are painful, expensive addition. Fortunately, natural treatments for acne scars have passed through generations and are made with things you already have at home.

Advantages of home treatments
Natural and home treatments for acne scars have many benefits compared to more drastic procedures. One is that natural treatments are better for your overall health. The skin does not peel or removed with harsh chemicals or painful wire brushes. Instead, gentle ingredients work on your skin and improve its appearance over time. In addition, natural treatments for acne scars are better for your pocket. Many cosmetic procedures such as air abrasion is not covered by insurance and must pay completely out of your pocket.

Citrus-based treatments
The citric acid in fruits and vegetables like tomatoes and lemons can work on your skin to lighten the appearance of acne scars and get rid of dead skin around them. One method is to squeeze the lemon juice and apply it on the skin with a cotton ball. Leave it at night and remove it the next morning. Doing this consistently reduce redness and lighten scars. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, which blocks the production of sebum, preventing future acne pimples appear. Create a mask with a tomato pulp and wear it at night can also reduce the redness of acne scars. Add some cucumber puree and have a mask that can close the pores while reducing acne scars.

Oil-based treatments
Mix the essential oil of sandalwood with rose water creates a liquid that will reduce pigmentation acne scars. The best results are achieved when the mixture is used regularly and leave at night. Olive oil is another oil-based treatment usually soften skin with moisturizers and reduce acne scars. For best results, massage olive oil on your face and leave it for a long period. Lavender oil works like and add something else, since lavender oil has soothing properties that can help you relax while you work.

Other ideas for treatments
It is shown that treating the face with a mixture of nutmeg and milk is effective in reducing acne scars. Simply use it constantly in the face and enzymes work to remove dead skin and reveal the new skin without scars under her. The gel of aloe vera and honey also work well.

Regimes skin care and acne scar removal
Dermatologists recommend that a consistent routine of skin care to keep acne at bay. However, schemes skincare also kept clean and moisturized two components needed to reduce scarring. A routine of effective skin care includes a cleanser, toner and moisturizer with simple topical creams containing tretinoin (Retin-A) or alpha hydroxy acids. These topical creams are available in a dermatologist and constant work to promote skin renewal. Combine your regular routine of skin care with homemade natural treatments for scars, and will minimize the appearance of scars and show your skin clean, smooth and radiant.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

' Phone App' helps alcoholics stay sober

Developed by the University of Wisconsin, the application 'A-CHESS'sounds an alarm when they get too close to the bars 
multipurpose mobile application aimed at recovering alcoholics that includes an alarm button and sounds an alert when they get too close to taverns helped some to stay sober, found researchers who developed the tool.
The application study adds to many others that serve as electronic guardian angels to offer a variety of options to try to prevent alcohol and drug relapse into their addictions.
Adults who left treatment centers for alcoholism and received free phones with the application reported fewer drinking days and total abstinence than those receiving usual tracking support.
The results are based on reports from the patients themselves, which represents a potential limitation. Still, experts say the immediacy of the help of smartphones could make them a useful tool in the fight against relapse.
Wiitala Marcos, 32, participated in the study and implementation ensures that helped save his life.He said the most useful feature allowing you to connect to a network of colleagues who had undergone the same recovery program. The application made available immediately for a text message or an encouraging phone call when he needed an emotional boost.
"It's an absolutely amazing tool," Wiitala, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, who said the still used despite the study ended said.
The findings were published online Wednesday in the journal JAMA Psychiatry.
The study followed 271 adults for one year after treatment for alcoholism in which were interned in one of several centers in the United States. Patients were randomized to receive cell applying for eight months plus the usual follow-up treatment, which usually involves referral to a group of autoayuda_, or have only themselves routine monitoring.
The application includes a function that periodically by text or voicemail about how patients questions. If enough answers seem troubling, the system automatically notifies an advisor who can then offer help.
The alarm button can be programmed to notify colleagues who are closest to the patient when pressed. It also provides links to relaxation techniques to calm the patient while waiting for help.
"We have said that makes a big difference," said David Gustafson , lead author and director of the Center for the Study of Systems Improves Health of the University of Wisconsin in Madison. He is among application developers, nicknamed A-CHESS by the acronym of the center.
He added that it is commercially developed and is not yet available.

Rhinitis or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis

What is it
Is called allergic rhinitis or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis to all inflammatory processes affecting the nasal passages (nose) and the conjunctiva of the eye, caused by hypersensitivity to different substances present in the environment.
It can occur at any stage of life, but it becomes evident from 5-6 years of age.
There are two types: perennial, with symptoms year-round and seasonal, typically spring and due to pollens.
Impact on children
Allergic rhinitis is the most frequent allergic disease. The proportion of population affected varies between 3% and 15%, according to various studies.
There are various causes of rhinitis, both in children and in adults, but it is estimated that most cases of rhinitis are allergic origin.
Its prevalence is increasing in the population, both in childhood and in adult and one of the major causes behind the increase in allergies and therefore, allergic rhinitis, is pollution.

allergic rhinoconjunctivitis

What is it?
What are the symptoms?
What we can confuse an allergic rhinitis?
What is the cause?
Is there more than one type of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis?
What is your relationship with bronchial asthma?
What is your treatment?
What is it?

It is called allergic rhinitis or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (RCA) to all processes affecting the nostrils (nose) and the conjunctiva of the eyes, caused by hypersensitivity to various substances in the environment.

It can occur at any stage of life, but it becomes evident from 5-6 years of age.

What are the symptoms?

The classic symptoms of RCA are:

A nasal level: obstruction or stuffy nose, mouth breathing, rhinorrhea (runny nose) liquid and transparent, itching (much rub the nose) and sneezing, often several at a time, and saved.
A level conjunctival redness of the eyes, swollen eyelids and even water bags on the eyes and itching.
Not all symptoms have to be present and, sometimes, only the nasal manifestations appear.Top of page

What we can confuse an allergic rhinitis?

Some parents think their child may have RCA when it really presents a catarrh of the upper airways. For example, while sneezing are typical of the RCA in older children, those are very common in infants and indicate only the presence of a nasal catarrh. Fever may be a symptom of colds, but is not usual in the RCA. These doubts can be resolved easily pediatrician. Anyway we can be of assistance, in the case of the pollen rhinoconjunctivitis (caused by pollens), symptoms appear or are more intense in open areas and especially in the afternoon and evening.

What is the cause?

RCA is the cause of allergy some particles found in the environment (allergens). According to the region in which you live, the probability of being allergic varies: in northern Spain, the most common allergy is to house dust mites and center-south pollens (grasses, olive, shrubs ...) .

The doctor will determine in each case whether it is necessary to do some testing, although usually careful questioning about symptoms often leads to the cause that produces this process.Top of page

Is there more than one type of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis?

RCA perennial with symptoms year-round and seasonal, typically spring and due to pollens RCA: In general two types are identified.

What is your relationship with bronchial asthma?

They are very interrelated diseases, but different. Today it is considered that when a child has been diagnosed with one of them, should be investigated if you have the other. Actually, both represent the same inflammatory and allergic phenomenon, at different levels of the airway.

What is your treatment?Top of page

Pediatrician who will determine what is the most appropriate treatment for your child RCA. We distinguish three types of treatments:

Avoiding contact with the trigger, ie, preventive treatment. Aims to reduce the degree of contact with allergens, such as, by way of example, proper housecleaning and the use of special cases if allergic to mites -for these measures to be effective must be permanent-. Or, the advice to avoid afternoon stroll in sunny spring day and especially if they are also windy and travel with the windows closed in vehicles, in the case of allergy to pollen.
Treatment with medicines symptoms. There are medications to relieve ocular and nasal, very effective and with little or no side effects manifestations. These medicines can also be used early, ahead of the season onset of symptoms, especially in the case of spring rhinoconjunctivitis.
"Vaccines" desensitizing (immunotherapy). There are conflicting data on its efficacy and generally unnecessary.

How long do pets live?

MOST animals age faster than us. Others can have a long life. So before you buy or adopt , it is important to know how many years can live. In some cases, we have the responsibility to share with them the rest of our lives.
We must also know that aged animals suffer the same ills that we as arthritis or vision loss. Therefore, we must take them to the vet before any symptoms of disease.
To be informed, we put together a gallery where you can view and compare the average longevity of each animal:

Varies greatly by race. Usually small live longer than large ones. Within the larger, heavier live unless more athletic. For example, the average longevity of the Great Dane is 6-8 years, while that of a Yorkshire Terrier is 12 to 14 years.

His age is a long period from 10 to 18 years, and where many problems and diseases may occur. In addition, obesity can cause their death . Some may live 22 years.

The small (such as parakeets and canaries) live between 10 and 20 years, parrots between 50 and 60 years (some species reach the 80) and the macaw can reach 100.

Much depends on their habitat. When in tanks, some experts say they can not stand more than 2 or 3 years because of the stress they spend there. Others believe that, if properly cared for, can live for many years. When in aquariums (not tanks), they can live for 10-15 years.

Their longevity depends on several factors and it is essential that they are well fed. If the environment around them is favorable for growth and development, can live up to 10 years.

The tortoises are the longest-living animals in the world. The box (Terrapene California) turtle can reach 100 years. 

Like most small rodents, hamsters have a short life cycle. Rarely live more than 1,000 days, which would be about three years.

Kept as pets have a life expectancy of five to eight years, although they can live up to nine or ten. They can start submitting geriatric problems from three years old.

how long do dogs live

Life expectancy of a dog depends on several factors, such as yourrace , size of the animal, the care to be given, or health status , but in certain circumstances can live about 20 years.
There is evidence that the longest dog lived 29 years . However, it's natural that the longevity of our dogs is between the 8 and 15 yearsThe dogs of smaller breeds live longer, as the Yorkshire Terrier orMaltese , which can exceed 20 years. In contrast, large breeds such as Mastiff or Great Dane , have a lower life expectancy, around 10 years.
The life expectancy of our dogs can increase if we give them good care , like let them bring a good life. Herein would find performingphysical exercises and provide them with good nutrition . It is also important to educate them well because it positive impact on life expectancy.
Finally, it is advisable to take them regularly to the vet , to avoid potential shocks.